
Vibration Platform

Whole Body vibration therapy is a process that delivers vibrational frequencies into the body. We employ a platform that both vibrates and oscillates which creates a much more effective therapeutic effect.

Basically the combined forces cause rapid muscle contracting and relaxation in accelerated succession which reflexively helps to balance the weight bearing and movement patterning of the body.


Benefits of the Whole Body Vibrational Platform

Since all musculoskeletal pain syndromes are caused by the body’s compensation to either single stress incidents (i.e. car accidents) or daily wear and tear,

Whole Body vibration helps to reestablish normal weight bearing and movement patterns which reinforces my treatment to resolve pain.

Due to the fact that vibrational sensation travels faster to the brain than pain signals, the patient can more comfortably stretch tight muscles using Whole Body vibration which speeds up recovery.

  • Whole Body vibration which speeds up recovery.
  • Helps to reestablish normal weight bearing
  • Reinforces my treatment to resolve pain
  • Patient can more comfortably stretch tight muscles