CryoSkin For Post-Baby Weight Loss and Tummy Toning

It’s no secret that most women are looking for postpartum weight-loss options. Giving birth does not shrink that baby belly right away; it could take at least six weeks for your uterus to shrink back to pre-pregnancy size, and even then, there may be still loose, sagging skin that was definitely not there before you got pregnant.

Bouncing back to that pre-baby body, or at least to a comfortable place where you feel secure and confident, is a top priority for many South Florida moms.

Take, for example, Local Miami marketing expert and Mompreneur, Michelle Dempsey, founder of Very Well-Written Marketing and mom to 4-year-old Bella. “Before baby, toning my abs was easy, and sometimes didn’t require much work at all other than a few weeks of clean eating and planks. After baby, this strategy definitely didn’t work quite like it used to.”

Sure, there are plenty of fitness centers to join and diets to adhere to, but as anyone who has had a baby knows, your time is pretty limited. Life-after-baby is nothing like you remember…

There isn’t always time to get to the gym, and cooking yourself a healthy meal isn’t always feasible. Women like Michelle are looking for something a little more mom-friendly, something that they can do once or twice a month, something that will give them immediate results that just keep getting better with time.

Dr. David Lipman and Physical Evidence Chiropractic has the answer to this mom-problem — and it’s Cryoskin.

Not only does Cryoskin help to spot reduce fat cells and bring out the underlying muscle, it helps to decrease the appearance of cellulite and those inevitable stretch marks that pregnancy incurs. By combining both the CryoSlimming and CryoToning treatments, moms will see a significant change in their bodies. The toning treatment in particular helps to increase the production of collagen, which breaks down cellulite and smooths out the skin.

“Gaining 30lbs in my pregnancy, coupled with having a C-section, left me with a bit of a pooch that felt impossible to lose,” Michelle says. “When I heard that Cryoskin could help tone that area, I thought it sounded too good to be true, but one session later I’m tighter, less round in that area and two inches smaller!”

It’s true. Cryoskin shows immediate results after just one session, as we have seen from clients such as Michelle and many others. Those results will continue to get better and better each time you visit. Dr. Lipman recommends 3-5 sessions for the best possible results.

Are you ready to becoming a CryoMom? Contact us today at 561-674-1217 to schedule your first Cryoskin treatment, and we’ll have you on your way to your pre-baby body in no time.